Tag Archives: Charles Dickens

Colds, Comfort Foods, and Course Work

19 Nov

The last few days have been largely nonproductive in nearly every sense of the term.  Friday I did a fair amount of reading for my thesis- hooray!- and some reading of my first Charles Dickens novel ever, Great Expectations.  Now, for those of you who know that I have a literature degree, this may be surprising, but I’d like to note that my degree is in American literature.  As  a very British writer, unfortunately for me, Dickens didn’t come up that often (right, not ever).  We also watched Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, a very nice film that, very arguably, features a lead that has Asperger’s Syndrome.  Last night we also went to a birthday ceilidh (a Scottish dance)  in Edinburgh, where I danced my little feet off.

Other than that, the weekend was spent sleeping off an impending cold.  I’ve not really felt sick, just sleepy and a bit congested.  Fun times.  To compensate, I’m eating and cooking comfort foods.  A box of Lindt chocolates has been in my possession, but between Matthew and I it’s almost gone after 3.5 days.  Whoops. (I confess to having a complete chocolate addiction.)  I made chicken chili Saturday, although it was not anything to write home about.  Tonight, continuing the theme of seafood on the first night of the week, I’ve made garlic shrimp with broccoli.  I’m trying to go easy on myself as Thanksgiving is impending and I’m catering nearly the entire meal (sans mac n cheese) for eight people.  Daunting, but very exciting.